Do you believe in magic?

Words are magic, simple scribbling’s on a page that can conjure worlds, dragons, murderers, love, laughter, tears.

Sometimes, we string thousands of words together to send the message across, sometimes a paragraph will do. Other times, a simple phrase carries the power of an entire book – like the title.

Sometimes when I’m writing, my brain conjures up a title from the deepest recess of my mind and sends it to the forefront like an offering. Other times, the deep lake is silent, a foe who’s given me the pinky finger.

Who cares, I’d fume, it’s just a phrase, and as long as the content of the writing is good, the title doesn’t matter. And then I remember the countless books I’ve put aside just because the title was less than appealing.

Do you believe in magic?

It’s real. Words have power.

I believe there’s something about titles, a certain magic to either attract or repulse the mind. Short, long, suspenseful, humorous, frightening. No matter what, titles have the power to trigger recognition and stir emotion.

A weak title could repulse the reader, cause him/her to leave the book be. A strong title, on the other hand, has the power to entice a reader to pick up the book, even if for no other reason than to thumb through the pages and take a second look. Sometimes a second look is all a person needs to decide if the book deserves the title or not, other times, the reader may just go on reading to find out the reason for the title.

I, for one, have put aside countless books, despite positive reviews, just because the title didn’t appeal to me. For one, Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda is one book I’ve read nothing but positive reviews for, but that title keeps shoving me away. Other books, like The Cruel Prince, have enticed me to pick it up, only to realize later that the title sounded better than the book itself (apologies to the fans).

Some titles can be non-descriptive, a neutral phrase or word that don’t really tell us anything, but for some reason (maybe the author’s name) gives us pause nonetheless. That’s when the reader may flip to the other cover and read a blurb (another bunch of words strung together) to see what the fuss is all about.

Words have magic, be it a short phrase, a paragraph, or a string of thousands of words put together to paint an image. Like a drawing on a canvas, sometimes simple strokes can do wonders.

Putting one word after the other to form a sentence is a simple task – but the result, to tease the reader’s imagination into seeing what the writer wants the reader to see is what causes the magic to happen.

Do you believe in magic?

63 Replies to “Do you believe in magic?”

  1. words do conjure magic, the right titles are like the swishing the wand, engaging blurbs like an incantation and a great book is like creating the potion with patience, intrigue and even toiling, the effect as you consume leaves you bewitched.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I love a good title! I’m a sucker for a good title. I agonize over my own titles. (Imagine my worry when I found out publishers often rename a book that the author spent hours naming.)

    Magic . . . not spells and talismans, but words, yes.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I think titles – and blurbs – are the hardest part about writing. My publisher didn’t change the name of my books – either they passed the test, or not all publishers do that – but they switched the name of the trilogy (with my consent) from ‘Roxanne Fosch’ to ‘The Roxanne Fosch Files trilogy’.


  3. I do, Jina! Great post about the importance of titles. Usually, they pop into my head, but lately… not so much. I’m much more likely to succumb to a wonderful cover, but titles are part of that visual, imaginative package. Happy Writing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I never felt the pull / or shove of a cover, Diana, but titles have always drawn me in. I remember during my teens picking up “The forbidden game” by L.J. Smith, because, oh, forbidden!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Is that why it’s important to ‘spell’ properly?
    But yes, they have power – anything that can wound, heal, enchant, depending on the order in which they are incanted or arranged, must have some magic.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Yes I absolutely believe in magic and the power of words. Sometimes I pour my heart out into my journal and I come back feeling lighter or healed. Sometimes I write something funny that makes a stranger laugh. Sometimes I make new friends with people I have never met because of the common love of the magic of words. What isn’t it, if not magic?😊

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I agree with you on the Simon title. When I first saw it, I had no interest in reading it, but after so many recommendations from my book club, I gave in. It was such a heartwarming, and amusing read. I could prove magic exists if my acceptance letter to Hogwarts would ever get here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Patience is the key, Teri, your letter will come!
      And oh, I can’t bring myself to pick that book up, no matter how many times I came close to, some other title always entices me first. Someday, someday, i hope i do and see what the fuss is all about.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Fantastic post.
    I’m guilty of the same – thinking that content is king, yet putting things aside because of the less than appealing title.
    Personally, I like non-descriptive titles for my own work. Something that will only really make sense while you read the content.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I wish I had someone to help me with titles too. I usually change them a zillion times before I settle on one – and they aren’t always good.
      Thanks for the visit!


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